Finding a Niche
As a financial advisor or coach, one of the key pieces of advice when starting a practice is to find a niche. This is something that I struggled with because of my desire to help as many people as possible, feeling the need to “cast a wide net” from a customer perspective, and simply thinking that more is more!
After much internal debate, I’ve finally decided on a niche market for my business, Walk You To Wealth.
The Niche
As you may have guessed from the title, the niche market that I’ve landed on is young adults (ages 21-40). The reason that I landed on this particular market is the following:
Underserved: It’s an underserved market from traditional financial planning advisors who often require high income and/or asset minimums. For example, if you are 25, you likely can’t work afford to work with an advisor who requires a minimum of a $500,000 of assets under management.
Critical Life Point: Young adults are oftentimes, and unknowingly, making critical financial decisions that have an impact for decades to come. They may be trying to optimize the financial benefits from their first job (e.g., 401k investments, health savings accounts), getting married, paying off credit card debt, having kids, etc. The financial decisions you make in your early adulthood can have a significant impact on your financial future.
Required Education is Virtually Non-existent: Personal finance education is essential for young adults, but only 17 states require it to be taught in high school, and even these programs may not be adequate.
Forming Sustainable Habits: Young adults can benefit for multiple decades by developing an understanding of wealth building and creating sustainable financial habits!

Personal Experience: At 43, I’ve recently been through so many of these life experiences (e.g., switching jobs, getting married, buying a home, having kids, becoming a landlord). I’ve also made my fair share of financial mistakes, which hopefully others can learn from.
The Program
Simple Steps To Wealth: A One-Year Personalized Coaching Program for Young Adults (ages 21-40)
The program I’ve developed is unique in the market and I’m hoping it will resonate with young adults. The comprehensive one-year personal finance program is designed to build a solid financial foundation and teach you the skills needed to make sound financial decisions and achieve your financial goals.
At its core, this program is about empowering you to take control of your finances and make informed decisions that align with your goals and values. The program will include the following:
12 one-on-one personalized educational sessions (30 mins each) covering a variety of topics (saving, investing, psychological barriers to building wealth, spending, credit card debt, compound interest, etc.)
On-demand support
Access to financial planning software
“Walk You To Wealth” eBook
Simple Steps To Wealth is the perfect way to improve your financial literacy and develop healthy financial habits that will lead to better financial decisions.
The Competition
As I was developing this program, I wanted to make sure it was reasonably priced and affordable for young adults. At $125/month, it’s significantly less than working with a traditional financial advisor and almost 80% less than the Dow Janes Millionaire Dollar Year program, which is targeted towards women.
As I mentioned above, this is truly a unique program in the market place, but below is a snapshot of comparable offerings, which I think clearly places Simple Steps To Wealth as the best “dollar for dollar” program:

The goal is simple: provide honest, authentic, and simple coaching and education to help young adults build wealth!
Disclaimer: The information in this post is provided for your convenience only and is not intended to be treated as financial, investment, tax, or other advice. The information is intended to be educational and is not tailored to the investment needs of any specific individual. It is also not intended to be relied upon as a forecast and is not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. The opinions expressed are those of the author. Reliance upon the guidance and information in this presentation is at the sole discretion of the individual.